For 2024 Pastor Tim and the Leadership Team would like to share with you our FOCUS for 2024. Above you see how we would like to structure our Ministries and the Budgeted amount set up for 2024. Each member of our church received this along with a letter from the Pastor (a download of the letter is available below) and a Card of Commitment for the Gifts You have been given by God and how you would like to share those gifts and talents with others in ministry. Our goals are to:
Raise Up Leadership
Renew Discipleship
Remodel Facilities
Commitment Cards will be collected through mid December so that we can evaluate HOW and WHO might be willing to take leadership positions in the 3 Ships and SAIL.
December 2nd Update on our remodeling of the Fellowship Hall. Scott M has painted the rooms and we are putting down the flooring the week of Dec 2. Within the next four weeks these projects should be completed. We also plan to update the entryway to the Fellowship Hall as well as change the lightning to LED’s. The change in the lightning will be more economical and provide an increase visibility for the basement. Future projects are planned under our RESTORE in 2024 Campaign to redo the rest of the restrooms on the first and 2nd floor and add decorative LED outdoor lightning to brighten the appearance of the outside of the church. Want to help? Consider a gift to the RESTORE 2024 campaign. The funds generated through this campaign will focus on the projects mentioned above as well as changing the carpet in the sanctuary and parlor.
Men’s Monthly FIRST Saturday of every month met on December 2nd at 8:30 a.m. and had a great crowd of 24 men and boys. Food and a short lesson was created by Larry Foster and afterwards the Nativity and outdoor LED landscape lightning was installed around the church. Check out the improvements as you drive by tonight or during the Christmas Season.
Tax Forms regarding your donations will be prepared the 2nd week of January. You can pick up these forms in the Church Office or during worship until the end of January. Then those that remain will be sent to the address we have on hand. A copy of the accomplishments for 2023 of Christ Church of Jackson will be included in donations envelopes. See an area of SERVICE you would like to give of your talents to the church? Call Teresa at the Church Office at 740 710 2451 and she should be able to assist in guiding you to the right Team or Chairperson.
Past members who joined our church in 2023 want to invite YOU to a New Members Class to be held Wednesday, February 28th at 6:00 p.m. Call the church office at 740 286 3419 for additional information or to sign up for this class to possibly join our church. We look forward to seeing You!
Pastor Tim leads the Truth Finder’s Part 2 which began January 18 at 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is Welcome to join at any time.
Call the church office if interested in joining the Truth Contenders Study Group starting on March 6, 2024. Telephone 740 286 3419.
Ash Wednesday Service at Noon and Drive Through Prayer in the evening to receive ashes.
A Kick Off was held for all the volunteers on May 16, 2024, who will be Vacation Bible School Leaders with an APPRECIATION DINNER . Kathy McPherson went over plans, decoration ideas, snacks and everyone had a great deal of enthusiasm on how to reach children for Christ in a deep but fun way. Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) will begin on June 17, 2024. Call our church office at 740 286 3419 for additional information.
We’re ready for an exciting adventure under the sea at SCUBA24, VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL BEGINS AT 5:30 through 8:00 on June 17th
Men’s Boot Camp Sunday School Update for July 2024
The Men’s Boot Camp class will begin a study of Samuel, this great man of God on Sunday, July 21st and we invite any and all men to join us. Our class meets at 9:00 am each Sunday morning on the second floor of the Educational Wing. If we over grow that room, we will meet in the Fellowship Hall. The cost of our study book is $5.00
Please let the church office or Dave Samples know if you plan to attend.
Samuel…a judge, a prophet and a priest, served the Lord from his birth until he died. He was truly a man of character and is a worthy example for us to follow yet today!
Traveling Prayer Team at the Veterans Memorial in Jackson. June Meeting 2024
Men’s Breakfast for July 2024. We had 25 in attendance with a BIG Bre4akfast followed by Our Devotional on FREEDOM and the IMPACT Christianity (particularly the “Great Awakening” movement from the mid 1700’s to the mid 1800’s) on the foundation of this new nation we call America.
The Men’s Breakfast is always held the first Saturday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. The breakfast is FREE and starts at 8:30 a.m.. Everyone is Welcome from the community or other churches. We commit ourselves to always ending by 10:00 a.m.
Jackson County Commissioners have named Saturday, July 20, 2024 as Ryan Michael Foster Day in recognition of Fallen EMS or Air Medical Professionals. A ceremony will be held in Washington DC to honor those who served their communities. The TREE of LIFE will list the names of those honored this weekend as well as all other past honorees.
A live stream of the Saturday’s ceremony can be found at the website:
The link provided below shows the Fallen EMS or Air Medical Professionals. Larry and Peggy with Ashley and the boys can be seen receiving the award on behalf of Ryan Michael Foster at the one hour, 09 minutes and 30 second mark.
Christ Church of Jackson participated in the Annual Healthy Kick Start Family Event, which is held each year at Manpower Park. The focus is to Highlight HEALTH Awareness in our local community. Community establishments dealing with health issues and others offer information to families who attend and after they get a stamp from each presenter each family receives a FREE Gift.
The Healthy Kick Start is sponsored by the Jackson County Job and Family Services and the Gallia Vinton Educational Service Center. Children can received their shots for school from the Jackson County Health Department.
This is the second year Christ Church of Jackson has participated in this event. Members of our Discipleship Team were on hand to pass out FREE Christian Bracelets, Stickers, Gold Coins and Literature. Thank YOU to Kristie Moore, Zander and Girlie Starcher who manned our table. Also sharing our space was Norm Wiley of the Gideon’s passing out FREE Bibles.
Today’s guests included over 900 families from our community who were offered Christian, School, Health and other services. Some pictures can be seen below of the event. SAVE THE DATE JULY 26, 2025 FOR NEXT YEARS EVENT!
Did you know Christ Church of Jackson has a church app? Yes, this app will help you to connect with a variety of tools available to you whether you are a Guest looking for a church or a Member connecting with the many activities available at our church. Following the directions below to access this app. It is not available on the App Store.
Did you access our app? If you make donations to our church, even if not a member, do you know that the app also provides extra tools if you SIGN UP? Yes, if you sign up by ‘clicking’ the Sign Up Button is the upper right hand corner ONCE VERIFIED you will be allowed to access YOUR Profile data and YOUR Giving History. ALL IT TAKES IS A PASSWORD AND AN EMAIL ADDRESS TO SIGN UP!
The following directions will take you through the steps to Sign Up:
Blessing of the Bookbags for our Students, Teachers, Bus Drivers, Administrators, Parents, Cooks and Custodians was held on Aug 10, 2024 during both services. Each person who wished to have their bookbag or briefcase Blessed came forward and received a Book Bag Blessing Card!
FREE Stickers, Blessing Backpack Tags, ‘Scripture’ and’ ‘Jesus Loves You’ Bracelets were distributed today Aug 10th to anyone wishing to get a FREE Haircut at Christ Church of Jackson. Men from the church set up a Prayer Station to PRAY for students and their families as well as offered the FREE items listed above to students and their parents. They were also encouraged to take additional items to share with their relatives, classmates and teachers. Shown below are the men involved in this event.
Larry Foster shared his talents in designing our sign, Dave Samples conducted the Prayer Station for families and Mark and Matt Carlisle as well as Gene Foster and Lennie Longo passed out free items prior to their haircuts. Thanks to all who assisted in this project Spreading the Word of Christ.
Improvements to the Family Life Center (FLC) as a result of our NEW Campaign Fund entitled “Continue The Vision.” Our HVAC Systems on this building have been failing and since we were able to take out a $300,00.00 loan for such renovations these units are being replaced today. The cost of the units was $89,400.00. A crane was required for the installation as these units are on our roof. As soon as the units are installed we plan to reseal the roof with a special product that will give us an additional 20 years warranty. Praise God for generous givers!
Our Small Group Study led by Pastor Tim and Young Adult Study led by Roger Trace began a new series Wednesday, August 14, 2024 from 6:00-7:00.
The evening began with a Fellowship and a small meal provided by the Men’s Group led by Dave Samples. During the meal Pastor Tim showed a section of the Andy Griffith Show on ‘SERVING’ followed by a discussion on the different ways to share with others.
Why not join us for the next three Wednesday’s as we explore more on the Mayberry Small Group Study in the Family Life Center (FLC) or the Young Adult Study in the Parlor. Next Wednesday we will be setting up a Taco Bar as the food portion of the program. Hope to see you there.
Additional New Furniture has been added to the Narthex by the Vision 2020 Improvement Committee. Check it our in the entrance to the sanctuary or in the Fellowship Hall.
The Needle Workers Group met Saturday August 17 in the Fellowship Hall. This group is for any ladies that want to learn how to crochet, knit, embroidery, quilt or learn any other craft. You don’t need to know HOW to do any of these items because someone will teach you how to do any of these crafts. In fact you don’t even need to sew. If you just want to Fellowship with ladies from our community and our church just drop by. Peggy Foster is currently hosting the program which starts at 10:00 a.m. till 12:00 noon. During this time you can talk, sew or just hang out and enjoy the fellowship. In fact there will be a SHORT DEVOTIONAL followed by a simple lunch. This week the theme was Flip Flops and the firm foundation we need with our relationship with God.
As shown in the pictures above and below we are continuing the Mayberry Bible Study. This past week the topic was on PEACE and the refreshments for the evening was a Taco Bar prepared by Robert, Donna Allen and Patricia.
Next week’s study will be on August 28th at 6:00. The food for this week will be a Pizza Bar and everyone from our church and the community are WELCOMED to attend. We will begin eating around 5:50 p.m. and the program will begin with a segment of the TV Show Andy Griffith of Mayberry. Following the video segment we will be discussing another Christian topic related to the theme of the sit com.
Tonight’s Theme was on Dogs, Dogs, and Dogs from the Mayberry Bible Study. Randy and Kathy Adams provided the Pizza as well as Puppy Chow and other dog treats (for humans) to keep with the theme of the evening. Join us next week for an Ice Cream Social which will end of Mayberry Study.
Our final Mayberry Study concluded on Sept 4, 2024 with an Ice Cream Social and SUPRISE Graduation Party for Jenna Waugh. Jenna just completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Business and began Seminary yesterday. Prayers for Jenna and her family, a Blessing and gifts were given to her for her accomplishments. Good Luck Jenna on your Faith Journey!
The final Mayberry Study was on Commitment and was demonstrated by a short video on the “Darling Family” on the Andy Griffith Show followed with discussions on that topic.
Youth Room Improvements PROVIDED by a anonymous donor. New Paint and a New Floor thanks to the Facilities Team, Jimmy and Debbie Prater, Jenna and Mark Carlisle for their help
Grandparents Day was CELEBRATED on Sunday September 8th during both worship services. Thanks to Tiffany McManis and her husband for providing the backdrop for this event. Pictures were taking by families to celebrate this event.
Needle Workers met again on Saturday, Sept 14, 2024. Several new individuals had expressed a desire to join this group from our last notice. Unfortunatley not everyone was able to make it but just a reminder it is held the 2nd Saturday of every month at 10:00 – 12:00 or a little later if desired. A small luncheon is held with a devotional along the theme of the week. Everyone is Invited to attend and learn a craft. Our purpose is Fellowship, Advancing various Needlework skills and Sharing these skills with others who wish to learn.
It’s that time again, The Jackson County Apple Festival is heading to town. Our booths were put together by volunteers who we DEEPLY appreciate. on Sunday afternoon September 15th. Unfortunately, we were unable to get pictures of ALL the volunteers. A few pictures are available below.
We are also Thankful for our sponsor each year who support the church by providing the funds to host our booths – Geiger Brothers and Dan Fulks Insurance. Let them know how much they are appreciated.
Proceeds from our sales at the booth support various missions programs within our church and community.
Stop By for a FREE Christian Bracelet or Stickers. In fact why not pick one up to share with a friend. We also have new line of scripture bracelets and Spanish Bracelets.
On the Opening Days (Monday and Tuesday) we gave away a couple hundred bracelets and several Stickers. Want to SHARE you witness with those at the Apple Festival and offer bracelets and stickers to the kids passing even if they are just passing our booth? The kids normally LOVE getting a bracelet and the IDEA of sharing one with a friend, cousin, parent, aunt or uncle.
WE’RE ALL READY TO GO! Want some tasty food that isn’t deep fried? Why not join us for some Chicken and Noodles, Beans and Cornbread, Steve Evans Sausage Sandwiches with Egg or Cheese or BOTH!
We also have Apple Cakes and the cheapest Water on the fairway! We also have Sweet Tea, Gator Aide, Pepsi Products and Coffee. Remember it is also a way to have a Home Cooked Meal without cooking for Lunch or Dinner, just ask us to Pack It To Go!
All proceeds go towards the Ministries and Mission Projects of Christ Church of Jackson.
Our Family Life Center (FLC) has a had a facelift! Yes, Thanks to the Facilities Team Members we have a NAME to identify the FLC and the Global Ministry Symbol.
Many Thanks to John Morris, Chris Brown, Scott McIntosh, Bryan Leach, Matt and Mark Carlisle along with those who passed by and gave their encouragement.
Note: The letters were hand made and painted by Chris and Melody Brown. Thank YOU to Everyone who came together to make our building more noticeable in the community.
So very Thankful for those who have contributed so much time and energy to our Apple Festival Missions Booth Project. Not only do you get to share in Fellowship with other members of the church body but you also get to Witness to complete strangers.
It all starts month in advance as individuals (Mission Team Members and friends) of the church meet for over a week to make homemade noodles and freeze them.
Then early every morning two crews begin cooking noodles, beans and cornbread while another crew is busy at our Booth preparing sausage sandwiches for those busy on the parkway.
The addition of the Jesus Loves You Bracelets (provided by our Discipleship Team) some of our visitors have SHARED IMPORTANT Life Lesson’s they have learned about their families, their health and their walk of Faith. Some have even been moved to tears by YOUR Compassion in being there to just listen to them and offer them Hope.
Thank You to EVERYONE who has provided opportunities for SEEDS to be planted in the lives of those who have visited with us this past week. Do you have pictures you would like to share about this week? Send them to Mark Carlisle ( Thanks
Our very own Chris Brown enjoyed entertaining our Booth Workers at the Apple Festival Line Dancing Competition.
People Need People when disaster strikes, which happened in Jackson when a fellow citizen of Jackson contacted Dan Fulks. A call came in from Roan Mountain, Tennessee that the need was great and both of these men felt the need to respond. Social Media contacts were made and last Sunday, October 6, 2024 Christ Church of Jackson became the Drop Off Point for our community to respond. Water, Pillows, Food, and much more was brought to the church and will be taken to Tennessee on Tuesday. Thank You to ALL the members of our local churches and community members who responded to this disaster with their love and financial support.
A VIDEO Thank You from those who received our gifts for Flood Relief in Roan Mountain Tennessee.
Christ Church of Jackson was the Host for the Jackson Football Team and the Jackson Cheerleaders on Thursday evening for a Chicken and Noodle Dinner. Billy and Lynn Starkey were instrumental in preparing the meal along with other Football/Cheerleader Mothers as the team preparers for another Playoff Game Friday evening in Columbus. Thank YOU to all who joined together in supporting and SERVING our school teams and Community. Christ Church and the Jackson Community wish the Team Good Luck as they move closer to another championship year!
The Monthly Prayer Team met on December 28, 2024 at the Salt Creek Village/Depot on Broadway Street in Jackson, Ohio. This site is a development to honor the Heritage of those who came and settled Jackson. Did you know that Salt Creek was named from the history of various people coming to this area to boil the water out of the creek for it’s salt?
Something else you might not know is that Christ Church of Jackson (previously CUMC) was built close to this settlement. See historic information below:
Though some have dated the beginning of the Methodist community in Jackson, Ohio in 1801, the more widely-accepted date is 1805. In that year, the Methodist Church established the Salt Creek Circuit. In the earlier years of the Methodist Church in Ohio, local Methodist groups, referred to as “Classes,” were led by two parsons who served the Methodist communities throughout Ohio. In the weeks between visits from the circuit preacher, members of each group would lead their weekly meeting. In the warmer months, several groups would meet outside in a camp meeting that lasted one or two days. After 1821, the different classes met together as a congregation in the county courthouse, located at the corner of Main Street and Broadway. Later the congregation met in a log building near the current location of Holy Trinity Church.
In 1835, the first Methodist Episcopal Church was built where the current Jackson Correctional Facility stands. In 1854, the original church was razed and construction began on a new two-story brick church with a basement. The following year, the church was assigned its own pastor and was no longer part of a circuit. During the construction of the new church, the congregation again met in the county courthouse until it was possible to hold service in the basement of the uncompleted building. Construction of the new church was not finished until 1868. The reason for the long delay in completion was local and national economic instability in the mid 19th century.
By 1892, the congregation had grown to include 526 members and construction of the third building was approved to accommodate the growth of the congregation. The new church was completed the following year in 1893. In 1902, the church’s pipe organ was dedicated, coming at a cost of $2,500. $1,250 were raised by the church members to pay for the organ, and the other half of the cost was paid for by a grant given to the church from Andrew Carnegie. In 1963, a new two-story wing was added behind the church to facilitate the extra church school classrooms needed for the more than four hundred regular attendees. The latest addition to the church was a large addition designated as the church’s Family Life Center, which includes a basketball gymnasium and adjacent rooms and an enclosed areal walk-way that connect the Family Life Center to the main church building.
The church is an extremely active part of the Jackson community. The Life Family Life Center is open for use by the community, and the church has a long history of sponsoring the local Girl and Boy Scout troops. The church has also contributed to international aid missions and continues to host a number of local events and functions including blood drives, health clinics, various preschools, screening for the Jackson City Schools, and the Eisteddfod (A Welsh singing competition that has been embraced by the Jackson community as a part of its heritage).