Scheduled Events and Notices will be posted here as they become available:

We offer a FREE Breakfast to all men or boys of our community, the first Saturday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. Breakfasts begin at 8:30 and end promptly at 10:00 a.m. We WELCOME anyone who is looking for Fellowship, Good Food and a short study of God’s Word.

Looking for a place for a Family Event or Group Meeting? We have our Fellowship Hall and our Family Life Center. Desire more information on dates available and cost for these services? Call our church secretary at 740 286 3419.

Peace Group continues a ministry on the 2nd and third Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. Everyone is Welcome. Call the church office at 740 286 3419 for additional information

Traveling Prayer Team meets on the last Saturday of every month at our Family Life Center (FLC) at noon. They either Pray at the FLC or they travel to an area, business, church or school within walking distance and Pray there for 15 or 20 minutes. Join Deacon Janie and Pastor Tim as they share this time with our Prayer Warriors of our church and community.

Thanksgiving Dinner’s delivered to the Cambrian and our Shut Ins. When: Nov 19th. Needed: Individuals to deliver these meals, Listen and Pray with our guests. Jenna Waugh and the Missions Team Project. Call 740 286 3419 for additional information.
Our Small Groups for individuals of ALL ages from K – Older ADULTS continues on Wednesday evenings at 6:00-7:00. We’ve just Celebrated the Eastern Season and WELCOME all to join us on Sundays for two worship services:
9:00 for our Traditional Service in the sanctuary
10:15 for our Contemporary Service in the Family Life Center