Our February Men’s FREE Breakfast and devotional was on the topic of “Not Grasping at Cobwebs.” It was a Biblical Truth of not buying into all kinds of false teachings in the world. The quote for this month was: “They know our vocabulary , they just don’t use our dictionary.” Want to know more about the FREE Breakfast? It is held on the 1st Saturday of every month at 8:30 a.m. Everyone from our community and other churches are WELCOME to attend. Hope to see you on March 1st!

Xander our youngest attendee celebrated his 10th birthday with the Men’s Group with a cupcake and a candle. Congratulations Xander.

The Men of Christ Church of Jackson work together to create an outside environment that is pleasing to those attending our church. Want to help? Our group is not an official group but consists of any men or boys that wish to help mow the lawn, plant, mulch, water, weed our flower beds, sweep the walks and shovel the snow. If it’s outside we DO IT. We also invite any women or girls that would like to help in the beautification of our church to make it more inviting to GUESTS! Together We Make a Difference!
We also meet on Sunday mornings in room 202 down from the church office for Men’s Boot Camp Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.
Our Men’s Meet and Eat Breakfast was held on April 6th at 8:30. We were joined by several friends as well as members of W4C. Music and a lesson on Daniel was presented. The topic was “TAKE a STAND” and centered around how Daniel and his friends took a stand against bowing to Nebuchadnezzar. They stood their ground and would not bow down to any god other than the Holy God of Israel. We ended our time together with a visit to the Empty Tomb which was used during our Easter Service. All Men of our community as Welcome to attend this FREE Breakfast the 1st Saturday of every month.

Men’s FREE Monthly Breakfast is held every month on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. In September the Lesson was on Commitment and was about the story of David and Goliath. David’s commitment was to Honor the Lord and he was prepared to fight for His God when all the rest of the Israelites were afraid. God was with David and he defeated the giant.
We were joined by Wesley Cove Church’s men and want to remind everyone that ALL are welcome. See you next month!

Reminder – Our Men’s Meet and Eat is held the first Saturday of every month at 8:30-10:00. The Breakfast is FREE and all men of the community are Welcome. We meet in the Fellowship Hall of the church which is located in our main building. The entrance is through the doorway in the alley between our Main Building and the Family Life Center. We also have a short devotional conducted by Larry Foster. Warrior’s r4 Christ (W4C) also attends this monthly event as well as other men from other churches. Don’t belong to a church? That’s fine EVERYONE is welcome to attend. Remember it is the first Saturday of every month!

January 4, 2025 – Why not start a New Year’s Resolution of joining a small group of men at the “Men’s FREE Community Breakfast: it is held the 1st Saturday of each month in the Fellowship Hall of Christ Church of Jackson,
For this New Year we started out with 29 men. Why not invite a friend to our next meeting. All men of the community are invited to attend. We begin at 8:30 and end at 10:00. Join us for Food, Fellowship and Teaching once a month to increase you FAITH and SHARE with others to charge your internal and Spiritual batteries.
The topic for this lesson was on Feral Pigs. How does that measure up with the church. Study the Chapter of Jude to find the answer. We are not to be wild and strive to accept all the movements of the church today but to be strong in the Faith of God’s Word, The Bible! Not altering God’s Word to meet our demands in life but to FOLLOW the teaching of Christ – “I Am The Way The Truth and The Live.”

Larry Foster gives the Men’s Free Breakfast Group a QUIZ to match drawings to scripture. Reminder: ALL Men are Welcome to attend this event which is held the 1st Saturday of every month in the Fellowship Hall of Christ Church of Jackson. Use the Elevator Tower Entrance. We begin at 8:30 and always finish by 10:00 a.m.