The Multiply Youth Ministry at Christ Church. It is made up of all students in grades 7-12 and is geared toward helping students to discover how to live the John 10:10 life which reads-“The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” It is all about learning what it means to live that type of victorious life as a Christ follower.
The Multiply Schedule throughout the year:
Bible Study Wednesday Evening at 6:30pm (during the school year)
Sunday Evening at 5pm (all year long)
Our New Youth Leader is Jenna Waugh and she would like to WELCOME all Youth in our area to join here in 2025 as we explore God’s Love and Desires for us in our lives.

Our history: the Youth Group of our church has gone through several changes over the years. When we had a Youth Pastor, Matt McKee, we were call the Attic Youth Group which had a Facebook Page. Later we transitioned into the Shift Youth Group and did not have any social media platform other than our church’s Facebook page. We have been the Multiple Your Group for awhile now and as we look into 2025 we have now developed a new Mission Statement within Christ Church of Jackson:
Our goal for 2025 is to RESTORE, Hope and Love to Everyone, Everyday and Everywhere.
Click the link to go to our NEW FACEBOOK PAGE:

As a result of a generous gift to the Youth Program “Multiply” this area is getting a much needed face lift. Presently, Jenna and the Facilities Team are giving the area a new coat of paint and New Flooring will be installed the week of September 3, 2024. All a part of the “Continuing The Vision Campaign.”
Look for other exciting things happening in the LIFE of our Church during August and September.

And the Job Continues: Day three of painting. Members of our congregation who have assisted in this project are: Bryan and Leslie Leach, Mark Carlisle, Jimmy and Debbie Prater, Pastor Tim, Scott McIntosh and the main character our very own Youth Director Jenna Waugh.

Hopefully Day 4 will finish the painting. Next week the flooring will be installed beginning on Sept 3, 2024.
YES, it Is Finished thanks to Jimmy and Debbie Prater for their help painting. Bryan Leach for his carpentry skills. Jenna for her dedication to her work area and Mark for his assistance. Looks Good!

Can you guess the topics that have been covered in the Youth Classes by the attached pictures on their wall in the youth room?