What to Expect

If you are new to Christ Church, you are our honored guest. We hope the information you find here helps make your first trip meaningful.  Want a tour of our facilities?  We would be privileged to show you around.  Call 740 286 3419 (our church office) or 740 710 2451 (Mark one of our Facilities Team Members)

What do I wear to church?

Don’t feel like you have to dress up. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Where do I go when I get there?

We have RESERVED parking for first-time guests in the Family Life Center parking lot. We have another parking area across from the Family Life Center and Parking on the street and in front of the main church entrance on Broad Street.

The 9:00 a.m. service meets in the sanctuary of the church.

For the 10:15 a.m. service on Sunday, we meet in the Family Life Center building (the large gym). 

What do WE HAVE for kids?

During Sunday school hours from 9 am to 10 am, Children Pre-K through 5th grade gather in the Safe Sanctuary Classrooms downstairs. The Nursery is located in the office wing of the church. Please feel free to ask a greeter for directions and one of the Faith Trackers  volunteers can give you a tour of the facilities as well.  You can find more information about the Faith Trackers on their page listed in the menu under ministries.

Can I attend if I’m _________________________?

Fill in the blank with whatever fear you have about not being accepted: divorced, single parent, broke, recovering addict, gay, atheist, skeptic, etc. Everyone is welcome at Christ Church of Jackson. So come as you are, and we’ll see you on Sunday!

To Make and Develop Deeply Devoted Disciples of Jesus Christ .